How It Works
Seeing a licensed medical provider has never been easier! With Rejuvelife telehealth visits you can now do this from the comfort of your own home or office.
1-on-1 Telehealth sessions with an
experienced provider
Easily connect via phone, tablet, or computer
Lab & Diagnostic Results Review
Prescriptions & Diagnostic Referrals
Guided Weight-Loss Program
Plans and Pricing
Enhanced Weight Loss Program
Medication & Supplies Included ( as needed )
Weekly Follow-Up Consultations Included
All medications come from USA Certified Sterile Compounding Pharmacies
Professional Nutritional Guidance
Medication & Supplies Included ( as needed )
Weekly Follow-Up Consultations Included
All medications come from USA Certified Sterile Compounding Pharmacies
Professional Nutritional Guidance
By signing up with any of our plans you are agreeing to our:
Licensed. Compassionate. Experienced.
Most Commonly Treated
Weight Management ( using FDA approved medication, B12 etc. )
COVID-19 Symptoms
Cold and Flu Symptoms
Fever & Chills
Neck and Back Pain
UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
Eye Infections
Respiratory Infections
Sinus Infections
Yeast Infections
and Many More
Commonly Asked
Do you treat Children and Adolescents?
- At the moment we only treat adults aged 18 and older.​
Can your medical providers prescribe narcotics?
- Narcotics cannot be prescribed via telemedicine.​
Do you accept insurance plans?
- We do not, as our fees are lower than most co-payments.
Do I need any special equipment to connect?
- No. Simply connect from your phone, tablet, or computer.​